
Thursday, April 24, 2014

Me Made May´14

Hi again,

I´m so excited, I just signed up to be a participant in the MeMadeMay´14, hosted by Zoe from the blog So,Zo, who already hosted this kind of not-competition for the the last few years with an ever growing number of devoted participants.
If I understand it right, the aim is to wear as many self-made garments as possible for the duration of the month of May and to raise awareness of what you are wearing, how it is made and what it means to you.

My pledge is: I Milan of, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '14. I endeavour to wear a self made garment or piece of accessory as many days as possible (I don´t have as many garments as the days of May) for the duration of May 2014'and love the thought to do so a little more every day :-)

I´m planning on posting pictures on the flickr group as well, just have to figure out, how to do that first... still new to this.

So people, stop by, take part and think about your clothes and motivation.

See you there or here soon.


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